View from restaurant Felsenegg above lake Zurich

IceAgeCam Screen and Interface

Maximum warm period texture

In the role of a visual consultant I contributed to the visualization of climate induced changes in the landscape. Relying on data sets from swisstopo for base terrain, timberline approximation etc. Climate related items like ice or snow cover, glacier extents are based on data provided by G.Jouvet et. Al. The NFS Agora Project: The IceAgeCam experience is stationed at restaurant Felsenegg, overlooking lake Zurich and the Alps. The experience aims at showing how during the past 800000 years climate states bounced from warm to cold periods in a relatively regular pattern. And that since around 1850 with the beginning of large scale use of fossil fuels, the pattern no longer continues to play out. Instead we're seeing levels of CO2 concentration rising to never seen values. Great thanks to the fantastic team from #zhdk #unil #uzh