39'000 B.C. landscape reconstruction
A landscape reconstruction of the Lucerne area 39'000 B.C. The scene is set on the spot where a worker at the local gravel quarry discovered a well preserved mammoth tusk in 2006. Today's surface level is roughly 30 m higher than in the picture- hence the drone perspective in the foreground. The picture quotes the famous painting "Luzern zur Eiszeit" painted by Ernst Hodel in 1929, a replica is currently on display at the Gletschergarten Museum (Glacier garden) in Lucerne, Switzerland. The warm period version of the picture emphasizes changes in flora and climate. Scientific advisor cold period: Prof. Dr. phil Ebbe Nielsen. Archeology Departement of Lucerne Scientific advisor warm period: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stocker, ETH Illustration: Samuel J. Bucheli 2015/2020