amalgamating them with the Swissbuildings data set from Swisstopo led to a consistent and accurate representation of the town’s development:

Five steps from 1100 to 2017 show the development of Willisau, a town in the hinterland of Lucerne, Switzerland. Respective image sizes grow along with the borders of the settled area while the central church tower always remains at the same height from ground up. This allows visitors to quickly acquire a sense of the dynamic growth the town has undergone. The maps are wall-mounted back-lit canvas prints and are part of a complete overhaul of the interior design of the historic lower gate tower’s event facilities. Customer: City of Willisau, Eugen Meyer Stiftung Concept & Art direction: Roland Heini | Illustration, modelling, research: Samuel J. Bucheli | Scientific advisor: Fabian Küng, Kantonsarchäologie Luzern 3d Buildings 2017: Swissbuildings TM - Swisstopo